Churches & Religious Organizations

Count: 148,315 | List: 6023

Churches & Religious Organizations Mailing ListThis file features Churches and Religious Organizations. The top contact at these locations include Religious Directors, Managers, Directors, and Owners.

Reach Churches and Religious Organizations for offers on Seminars, Subscriptions, Books, Recruitment and any other Religious related offer.

The Churches and Religious Organizations list is NCOA’d Quarterly.

State counts available upon request.

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Selections by Type of Church

Apostolic Church 679
Baptist 29,008
Brethren Church 554
Catholic Church 11,214
Christian Science Church 145
Church of Christ 5,089
Church of God 2,964
Church of Nazarene 1,637
Churches 31,333
Community Church 3,656
Convents & Monasteries 543
Covenant & Evangelical Church 1,430
Episcopal Church 3,215
Greek Orthodox Church 561
Interdenominational Church 269
Lutheran Church 9,963
Mennonite Church 547
Methodist Church 11,114
Misc. Denomination Church 2,162
Mormon Church 870
Non-Denominational Church 5,059
Pentecostal Church 1,520
Presbyterian Church 5,840
Religious Organizations 15,447
Seventh Day Adventist Church 1,264
Temples and Synagogues 1,320