Architectural Firms and Executives

Count: 35,568 | List: 0709

Architectural Firms and Executives, Architectural Firms, Services and Executives Mailing ListThis file consists of various types of architectural design firms and architectural businesses in the U.S. In addition to architects this file comprises all architectural related services. Architectural Firms and Executives serve public and private owners, facility managers, designers, general contractors and the construction industry. They are ideal prospects for software, architectural and drafting supplies and furniture as well as other architectural product or service.

Reach these Architectural Firms and Executives for offers on Seminars, Subscriptions, Books, Recruitment and any other architectural related offer.

The Architectural Firms, Services and Executives list is NCOA’d quarterly.

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Architectural Firms, Services and Executives Datacard

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Selections by Business/Industry

Architects & Builders Services 1,349
Architects & Engineers 312
Architects 32,482
Architectural & Construction Specifications 210
Architectural Designers 3,500
Architectural Engineering 983
Architectural Engineers 675
Architectural Illustrators 808
Architectural Services 59,886
Building Construction Consultants 6,596
Building Designers 1,832
Construction Estimates 3,531
Golf Course Architects 398
CHome Design & Planning Services 2,414