eMed Advantage Medical Lab Technicians and Technologists Email Addresses

Count: 28,344 | List: 4036

eMed Advantage Lab Technicians
The eMed Advantage Medical Lab Technicians and Technologists with Email Addresses database is a highly targeted list of Medical Lab Technicians and Technologists at their email addresses.

These permission-based emails allow Medical Lab Technicians and Technologists recruiters, healthcare marketers, and direct marketers to reach Medical Lab Technicians and Technologists at their email address. The eMed Advantage Medical Lab Technicians and Technologists with Email Addresses list is a can-spam compliant, email opt-in database.

Reach Medical Lab Technicians and Technologists faster and more affordably with these fresh, verified email addresses. Target all Medical Lab Technicians and Technologists for surveys, recruitment, e-details and product messages.

State Counts available upon request.

Benefits of E-mail Promotions

  • Extend the reach and frequency of advertising and promotional messages
  • Drive sales traffic to offline channel partners or websites
  • Execute cost-effective customer acquisition and retention programs
  • Increase customer lifetime value

Selections by Technician

Medical Lab Technician 16,020
Medical Lab Technologist 12,324


Pricing | 25% Commission to Recognized Brokers

Base $ 125/M
Minimum Order 10,000 names
Email Transmission No Charge
Job Function $15/M
Geography $5/M
2nd Email Transmission – Same Creative $ 100M
Personalization $ 200/F
Suppress Client File $ 200/F
Image Hosting $ 150 each Image
3 or More Tests $ 200 each
Reporting – Clicks and Opens No Charge

Additional Information – Base price includes transmission. Average broadcast turn-around is 2-4 business days after receipt of e-mail creative and approval of test blasts.

For More Information on the eMed Advantage Medical Lab Technicians and Technologists Email Addresses List:

eMed Advantage Lab Technicians